Winnipeg Arts Council

Board of Directors

The Winnipeg Arts Council Board of Directors consists of 16 individuals. Six are elected by artists and representatives of arts and cultural organizations, and six are appointed by City Council from a list of nominees from the community at large. One City Councillor serves in a voting capacity and one City staff member serves in a non-voting capacity. The chair is elected from within the Council and is replaced on the Council by another individual from the same category. Once elected or appointed, the members of the Council represent the community and not the constituency that elected or nominated them. Members may serve a maximum of three two-year terms.

Man with square glasses smiling, wearing a black blazer and a printed shirt.
Blonde woman smiling at the camera in a royal blue shirt.
Black and white image of a woman in a dark shirt holding the back of her neck with one hand.
A man wearing dark grey semi-formal clothes smiles at the camera during an event.
Grey haired woman smiles in a black dress standing in front of a cream railing.
Woman with long blonde hair smiles at the camera in a grey t-shirt.
Dark-haired woman stands in front of multiple buildings in the background.
Red-haired woman wearing a black turtle neck rests her chin on her hand as she smiles at the camera.

Markus Chambers

City Council Representative (Voting)

Councillor Chambers' City of Winnipeg Bio