Eco Feminist Art Club with Helga Jakobson
Sunday, December 1, 2024
1:00pm – 4:00pm
MAWA, 329 Cumberland Ave, Suite 203
$10 register at
We’ll discuss reciprocity and listening practices. Registrants are encouraged to bring whatever media you would like to utilize. There will be paper, paints, pencils, coloured pencils, and collage materials provided.
I will be bringing a digital interface I’ve built that translates bio electric impulses into sound. I’ll discuss digital interfacing and resonance.
Namely; I’ll be bringing my Plant Player and will be playing plants live.
The session will begin with a presentation, a reading and discussion. This will be followed with a demonstration on interfacing with organic matter, followed by open and supported art making.
Accessibility information:
There are 6 steps in the building when you enter from Cumberland and an accessible entrance with a ramp when you enter from the east parking lot. MAWA is on the second floor and can be accessed by one flight of stairs. For folks unable to use the stairs, a freight elevator is available (call us, and we will bring you up!) The MAWA washrooms are not accessible, but if you let us know you are coming, we will make arrangements to open an accessible washroom on the ground floor.
Recommended text: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer and Staying With the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene by Donna J. Haraway