Winnipeg Arts Council

Friends of a Sick Girl - animations by Gabby Da Silva

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The Artist is travelling to Winnipeg to be in attendance at the opening.

Friends of a Sick Girl is a collection of live-action and animation shorts. Each short features a “friend,” along with their own personalized introductions including who they are, and their relationship to the sick girl, aka Da Silva. Whereas these “friends” are an assortment of anatomical body parts. All the friends are digitally hand drawn by Da Silva and are also voiced by her; beneficially due to the constant fluctuations of her abilities, it is hard to identify her style as that of one person. These friends of the sick girl work together to create a new perspective surrounding disability and the stereotypical assumption of not appearing as so. For Da Silva, many of these assumptions have been negative and traumatizing. It is her true belief that no one has to “look” disabled to be disabled. Throughout this exhibition, these “friends” discuss the everyday experiences and struggles they face as the interior, unwell parts of Da Silva’s disabled self.