Winnipeg Arts Council

send + receive v26: Phew, Cloud Circuit, Daniel Majer

Our sec­ond evening fea­tures leg­endary Japan­ese vocal­ist Phew, sound poet­ry duo Cloud Cir­cuit, and sound artist and com­pos­er Daniel Majer. Phew’s oeu­vre spans a vast array of exper­i­men­tal sounds: from no-wavey synth-hymns; to pop­py, shoegaz­ing, indus­tri­al under­tones; to eerie incan­des­cent drones. Since the 1970s, Phew’s dynam­ic, com­pelling voice and her com­mit­ment to unfet­tered exper­i­men­ta­tion has been crit­i­cal in shap­ing the sound of avant-garde music both in Japan and inter­na­tion­al­ly. Cloud Cir­cuit finds inspi­ra­tion in com­mu­ni­ca­tion gli//tc;hh()h, brok()n spee?()-eech, and con­tact lost. Poet Dean­na Rad­ford chan­nels her iter­a­tive text reams as decon­struct­ed words of mouth, and sound artist Jere­my Young plays sine waves in flux, 1⁄4″ mag­net­ic tape and cap­tured radio airs. Daniel Majer cre­ates and col­lab­o­rates in sound col­lage, film scores, sound design, mul­ti-media instal­la­tion and live musi­cal per­for­mances. His lat­est album of exper­i­men­tal sound designs, Time for No Mem­o­ry, is out on Vaag­n­er this October.