Winnipeg Arts Council

send + receive v26: Rafael Toral, truth in the well, Liberovskaya/Niblock

Our Sat­ur­day con­cert fea­tures a quadra­phon­ic set from Por­tuguese gui­tarist Rafael Toral; a wist­ful, decon­struct­ed mix­tape by truth in the well; and patient video work by Kather­ine Liberovskaya, Fran­cis­co Janes, and the dear­ly missed Phill Niblock. Rafael Toral has been deeply involved with rock, ambi­ent, elec­tron­ic, and free jazz music, think­ing and prac­tic­ing an under­stand­ing of silence as ​“space.” In recent work, Toral picks up the gui­tar again to devel­op a new syn­the­sis of past and future, cre­at­ing slow har­monies over what sounds like an elec­tron­ic rain­for­est on Jupiter. truth in the well is the shapeshift­ing ephemer­al ambi­ent project of Leigh Lugosi, often fea­tur­ing col­lab­o­ra­tor Tim Alexan­der. for send + receive v.26, truth in the well presents sub­lim­i­nal verse par­ty mix 2024, a live mixtape/​reimagining of pop­u­lar music found in youth cul­ture in winnipeg’s north end cir­ca late 1990s through ear­ly 2000s. Kather­ine Liberovskaya is a video and media artist based in Mon­tréal, Cana­da, and New York City, work­ing in exper­i­men­tal video since the late eight­ies. Phill Niblock (1933−2024) was an artist whose fifty-year career spanned min­i­mal­ist and exper­i­men­tal music, film and pho­tog­ra­phy. At this event, we’ll screen ​“Wind Waves / Rum­ble Mum­ble,” one of their last col­lab­o­ra­tions before Niblock­’s pass­ing ear­li­er this year. Pre­sent­ed with GroundSwell.