Winnipeg Arts Council

send + receive v26: Skye Callow ‘Shimmering’

Our fes­ti­val month launch­es this Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 28th, on Nuit Blanche, with an audio work by Skye Cal­low. From Sep­tem­ber to Octo­ber 28th, we’re pleased to present Shim­mer­ing. The work plays beneath the pedes­tri­an bridge com­mem­o­rat­ing the for­mer Ross Creek, at the junc­tion of Water­front Dri­ve and Ban­natyne Avenue.

Shim­mer­ing is an aur­al paint­ing that inter­prets the cycles of our lives, the phas­es of the moon, and the flow of water­ways that have been redi­rect­ed by human inter­ven­tion. It attempts to find pat­terns between these seem­ing­ly sep­a­rate enti­ties, and to iden­ti­fy the mon­u­ments that sig­ni­fy begin­nings and endings.

Shim­mer­ing is com­posed of orig­i­nal field record­ings from bod­ies of water that are con­nect­ed to the Red and Assini­boine riv­er sys­tems, audio sam­ples combed from the expanse of the inter­net, manip­u­lat­ed voice record­ings and per­for­mances, text to speech gen­er­at­ed vers­es, and the sounds of chains, skid steers, and wind chimes. Respond­ing specif­i­cal­ly to the site of the instal­la­tion, Shim­mer­ing acts as a sound­ing board for the ghost­ly echo of Ross Creek.

Skye Cal­low is an artist based on Treaty 1 Ter­ri­to­ry in Win­nipeg, Man­i­to­ba. Through image mak­ing, sound, and instal­la­tion prac­tices, her work explores the mag­ic of our eco­log­i­cal and meta­phys­i­cal worlds and engages in the somat­ic expe­ri­ence of being in rela­tion to the bios­phere; a motif of ecol­o­gy, self, and the land con­tin­u­ous­ly presents itself. Skye is cur­rent­ly inves­ti­gat­ing the sub­jects of eco­log­i­cal empa­thy and hyper­ob­jects, and the lim­its and pos­si­bil­i­ties of per­cep­tion. Skye holds a Bach­e­lor of Fine Arts Hon­ours Degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba’s School of Art.