Textural Dimension
Textural Dimension Exhibition
Opening: Friday, July 5, 2024, 5 - 8 pm
Exhibition continues: July 10 - August 16, Wednesday - Friday, 10 am - 5 pm
Free! All welcome
Presented by Textile and Fibre Artists of Manitoba with the support of MAWA
Abrasive, bumpy, cratered, dense, engraved, fluffy, gelatinous, hazy, inset, jagged, knobbed, layered, motion, patterned, perspectives, ragged, scraped, thorny, translucent, velvety, woolly: textural!
The 31 artists represented are members of Textile and Fibre Artists of Manitoba (TFAM). TFAM is an inclusive group of diverse Canadian artists whose foundation rests on the four pillars of education, networking, exhibiting and promoting fibre as an art form. TFAM’s membership includes emerging and established artists as well as teachers and designers. All forms of fibre-based art are encouraged and created. Many members have been recognized both nationally and internationally for their work. Textural Dimension is TFAM’s seventh travelling group exhibition.