What deserves to be kept
February 3, 2024 1:30pm-4:30pm (ASL Interpretation)
February 4, 2024 1:30pm-4:30pm (ASL Interpretation)
You can register for one or both dates. Registration is set up for individual dates.
Room 201 - The Forks Market, 2nd floor (Physically Accessible)
Payment is a sliding scale $5-$50 per day
Click here to register!
About the workshop:
Understanding our own bodies is an unlearning process that often requires thought around systems of oppression that encase the housing around us. If we could take the time to share with one another these influences; both systemic and how we’ve engaged with culture, we can better understand what deserves to be kept, and what’s worth deleting from our vocabularies. Through conversation, writing, presentation of video, and movement exercise, we can revisit our initial movements and what we adopted in order to survive.
About Brenden Gali:
Brenden Bhoy Gali, born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, delivers his artistic practice through word and movement. Developing his eye through hip-hop as a young person, he associates the connections between Hip-Hop movements and his own experiences. Spending his childhood across several neighbourhoods in Winnipeg, Gali considers the movement not only in the body, but the movement and constraints of it, amongst a geographical landscape. Brown by birth, and registered to the culture, Gali supports things that move, grow, and refuse stasis.