Welcome to Ndinawe is a series of seven collaboratively crafted documentary films made by the youth of Ndinawe mentored by filmmaker Jim Agapito. The short films by Gabrielle Fiddler, George Harper, Vaz Shingoose, Matthew Boulette, and Daniel Frazier range in subject matter from cooking and music to the challenges of accessing safe housing. They provide a window into the everyday lives of the youth who access drop-in services at Ndinawe Youth Resource Centre.
The sometimes-silly and sometimes-poignant films were created through the Winnipeg Arts Council’s Youth WITH ART Community Public Art Program when Ndinawe was matched with filmmaker Jim Agapito. The filmmaker mentored the youth in the art of filmmaking over the course of a year and a half. Working with Ndinawe’s Art Program Coordinator, Bernard Ferguson, Jim put cameras into the hands of the youth and taught them the basics of creating from both behind and in front of the camera, including photography, audio, and the importance of storyboards and editing. This project, like all the programs taking place at Ndinawe, helps to build a sense of connection and belonging for youth at risk, to strengthen youth voices within the community and reduce the social isolation they experience.
“ As a filmmaker, this is the first time I relinquished camera duties. The youth had full control. There were no restrictions on what they could or couldn’t film.” – Jim Agapito, Filmmaker and Mentor
“ Most of youth that participated in the film project have many challenges and the film project was a way for them to see themselves and their lives through the lens from different positive perspectives.” – Bernard Ferguson, Ndinawe Art Program Director
Welcome to Ndinawe was launched and celebrated with a public screening at Sergeant Tommy Prince Place on November 22, 2019. Scroll down to watch them now!
In the media:
Winnipeg Free Press, posted Nov 22, 2019: Young people showcase life at Ndinawe in documentary
CanStar Community News, posted Nov 21, 2019: Ndinawe youth to launch short film series