WITH ART is a community-based art program where artists and community members collaborate on projects that examine social issues through the artmaking process. The Manitoba Urban Native Housing Association wanted to put a face to the statistics they dealt with every day, especially the overwhelming numbers of Aboriginal families waiting for safe and affordable housing. Filmmaker Jim Sanders has been using film to explore social issues for many years. An excellent match was made and the artist and MUHNA began a journey of further discovery together. The resulting film examines the Aboriginal housing issue from many points of view.
Although distinctly a Winnipeg perspective – shots of some of the city’s most desolate urban spaces are combined with footage of some of its grandest houses, the faces of many familiar Winnipeggers are seen, local Aboriginal music and artwork is incorporated into the documentary footage – the story is a recognizably urban one told anywhere in the world. The artist and MUNHA have created a portrait of Aboriginal urban life, its great challenges and its power.
“Making Winnipeg First Nation and working closely with the Aboriginal community has reaffirmed my belief in art as a gateway to the heart for all involved, be it the artist, the subject, or the audience. It is key to unlocking a better future for all in this great city of ours.” Jim Sanders
Winnipeg First Nation: Heart of a Home
Jim Sanders
Jim Sanders is a Winnipeg-based, independent documentary filmmaker and media artist. His work includes such films as Seeds of Change, The Real Thing, and Winnipeg First Nation: A Heart of a Home. Sanders is currently in post-production of his most recent film, Nosis: A Cinematic Vision Quest. Sanders believes in film and art as a means of community empowerment and inspiration for positive social change. Sanders is a founding member of the Harvest Moon Society, a group that supports sustainable rural lifestyles, as well as Condor & Eagle, a grassroots initiative with a goal to build lasting relationships across the Americas that include indigenous and non-indigenous communities.
Winnipeg First Nation: Heart of a Home
More Public Art
Chevrier Station
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Taché Promenade
McGillivray overpass and Seel Station
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