Mission and Vision
The Winnipeg Arts Council funds and supports artists and arts organizations. We initiate and promote development of the arts for the people of Winnipeg.
Winnipeg is a city of the arts, where art is woven into all people’s lives. Everyone has equitable access to the arts, participates in the arts, values the arts and is enriched by the arts.
The Corporation is an independent not-for-profit Corporation, created and mandated by the City to carry out the objects stipulated in its Articles of Incorporation by undertaking the following responsibilities:
- managing and carrying out the City’s arts and cultural funding programs, exercising final arm’s length authority to approve and issue cultural grants;
- presenting for approval to the Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services, a three (3) year Arts and Culture Business Plan to be adopted on an annual basis;
- managing a conditional grant from the City designated to fund the approved programs;
- advising the City on cultural policy;
- exploring partnerships and initiatives with other funding bodies, foundations and other groups;
- presenting to the City an Annual Report and an Audited Financial Statement;
- developing and maintaining a cooperative relationship with all City departments and staff working in cultural areas.
- managing and administering the City’s Public Art Policy and Program