Winnipeg Arts Council
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Peer Assessment

The Winnipeg Arts Council utilizes the principle of “peer assessment” in determining the merit of grant applications received in its various programs.

Independent artists and other professionals working in the field are invited to form a jury or panel to assess applications against program criteria, advise on priorities, and make recommendations to the Winnipeg Arts Council on the awarding of grants. Based on these assessments grants are awarded by the Winnipeg Arts Council. Selecting and managing the committees or juries is the responsibility of the program officer.

Through peer assessment, the Arts Council involves the arts community directly in its operations. Applicants can be confident that they have been assessed by people with the knowledge and expertise to make sound qualitative judgments in their field of the arts.

Nominate a Peer Assessor

The Winnipeg Arts Council welcomes nominations from the arts community to assist staff in establishing a comprehensive list of potential assessors for future peer assessment panels. Arts professionals may nominate themselves or others.

Nominees for peer assessors should be individuals with experience and knowledge of one or more art forms who are open-minded and capable of making a fair and informed assessment of the comparative merits of grant applications. The ideal peer assessor demonstrates a generous spirit and is genuinely and deeply supportive of all artists, arts professionals, and arts organizations, whatever their level of experience.

All individuals invited to participate in assessment panels for the Winnipeg Arts Council are required to declare any/all conflicts of interest and pledge confidentiality as defined by Winnipeg Arts Council’s Policy on Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality. Peer assessors are listed in the Winnipeg Arts Council’s Annual Report.