Gallery and Map of Public Art
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Assiniboine Park, north of walking bridge
Agassiz Ice
Transcona Centennial Square, Regent Avenue at Bond Street
Archambault Performance Pavilion
Kildonan Park Pond, 2015 Main Street
Central Park, along Edmonton and Cumberland
Central Park Banners
Adsum Park
Close Commons
Central Park, near the corner of Ellice Avenue and Edmonton Street
DIY Field
St. Vital Park Duck Pond
Elwick Community Centre 30 Maberley Road
Elwick Community Centre
Millennium Library Park, 251 Donald Street
Old Market Square
Fire Cycle
Waterfront Drive
High Five
Old Market Square
All artworks featured have been created since the inception of the Public Art Policy and Program in 2004, and are part of the evolving Collection of the City of Winnipeg unless otherwise noted.